Spring is finally here which means it’s the perfect time have a clothing swap! This is a great way to do a bit of spring cleaning & re-vamp your wardrobe while catching up with friends. When the party is over, make sure to donate the leftover clothing (or any other items) to your local thrift store!
Materials: Printable clothing swap invite template, 8.5 x 11 white card stock (I used Epson Ultra Premium Matte Presentation Paper), craft knife
or scissors, bone folder
, ruler
, glue stick
Step 1: Printable clothing swap invite template on 8.5 x 11 white cover stock or other presentation paper.
Step 2: With scissors or and craft knife, cut out the the shirt portion of the invitation leaving the head and arm holes. using the bone folder, fold the invite in half. Cut out the arm & head holes with scissors.
Step 3: Score the white lines indicated on the shoulders of the shirt with the bone folder. Fold the corners of the shirt inwards (see picture).
Step 4: Cut out the hanger from the printable template.
Step 5: Place the hanger in the shirt and glue down using a glue-stick. Secure down with the bone folder.
Step 6: Invite all of your friends (invites fit in an A7 envelope). Make sure to have them bring some drinks & snacks!